Monday, May 22, 2006

Trip two to Namadgi

Trip two to Namadgi

Today I drove to Namadgi for a quick walk to Smoker’s Flat and Square Rock. The walk to Square Rock was an easy one and took me between two and three hours…It was gradual ascent but one that was ultimately very rewarding …the view from Square Rock is magnificent and about 600 metres before you arrive there’s a lookout that’s almost as spectacular. (see photo one). This is a good walk as which anyone can manage. There’s a small ladder climb once you arrive at the rocks. If you go up with kids you'll need to watch them around the top asthere is a sheer drop.

In places the rocks hover ominously over a sheer 80 metre cliff face and you feel uneasy moving around the top, but it’s a splendid place. I had a brief meal at Square Rock before returning…On the drive home only twenty kilometres from Tharwa, I saw dozens of kangaroos and about 30 galahs. The only animal I spotted on the walk was a wombat. Unfortunately, I couldn’t manage a photo in time.

I plan to do another trip to Namagdi in a few weeks and walk to Coronet Peak along the track that connects to Kosciuszko National Park. Click on the Photos to see enlargements.